Somebody needs to do a “Don’t shoot compressed air up people’s butts” PSA.
A good prank is fun for everyone involved, especially the person on which it is played. A bad prank, however, can be exactly the opposite of fun. As proof one need look no further than a recent “prank” that occurred in Japan involving a very powerful compressed air gun.
According to reports, this so-called prank happened on July 13 at about 5 p.m. at a construction machinery manufacturing plant in Ryugasaki City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It was here where one of the employees at the plant, 34-year-old Yoshiyuki Yoshida, allegedly used one of the compressed air guns normally used for fastening screws to play a very unfortunate joke on his coworker, 46-year-old Akio Ishimaru.
After aiming the air gun at Ishimaru’s rear end, Yoshida set it off, blowing highly pressurized air into his coworker’s anus.
Not long after, expressed that he was feeling unwell and was taken to the hospital. Ishimaru later died and the hospital reported the incident to the police.
Police are saying that the air went through Ishimaru’s pants. They suspect it was this which caused the injuries to his lungs, which are thought to be the cause of his death.
Yoshida was arrested on July 14 under suspicion of committing manslaughter and has admitted to the allegations, reportedly telling police “I did it as a prank.”
This is the second incident in less than a year in Japan in which a man died after a coworker shot compressed air into his anus as part of a prank. The previous incident occurred in December of last year in a story which was broken in English by Japankyo. In this incident two men at an industrial waste treatment plant in Saitama Prefecture held down their coworker and shot compressed air into his rear end, resulting in internal injuries and death not long after.
In March of this year there was yet another similar incident in Hamda City, Shimane Prefecture. This time around a man at a construction site used an air compressor to shoot air up his coworker’s anus. Although the victim did sustain injuries due to his coworker’s action, he thankfully did not die.
And in July of 2017, in yet another story reported on by Japankyo, a 28-year-old man in Kyoto Prefecture was arrested after he allegedly caused injury to an acquaintance during a barbecue by shooting compressed air up his anus.
It’s sad to say but it looks like Japan’s manufacturers of air compressors may want to consider putting larger warning labels on their machines.
Source: Bengo4, Mainichi Shinbun, TBS News
Image: Japankyo