Here’s your cat video for the day… kind of.
Japanese Twitter user miru (@bebebe5353) has a cat. However, it’s a very special cat. Like many other felines it likes to lounge around on a cushion all day just staring at nothing, almost as if it was daydreaming. Unlike other cats though, miru’s doesn’t eat, sleeps or go to the bathroom. Heck, it doesn’t even breathe. That’s because even though it definitely looks real, it’s actually made of wool felt. Check out the video below.
羊毛フェルトで実物大の猫ちゃん作ってみたよ~❕ #羊毛フェルト #猫 #キジトラ #キジシロ #実物大 #woolart #needlefelt #feltwork pic.twitter.com/faxng1YTyN
— miru ・羊毛フェルト (@bebebe5353) June 25, 2018
Given the amount of skill and the time that must have gone into this absolutely amazing life-size felt cat, you’d be tempted to assume that miru is quite the talented craftsperson, and you’d be correct. One need look no further for proof than the rest of miru’s Twitter account to see other impressive felt masterpieces. For example, check out this wool felt ferret miru made.
I made a ferret with wool felt💕
精一杯頑張りますので横浜に遊びに来てね(ノ´³`)ノ💕お待ちしてまーす💖#ヨコハマハンドメイドマルシェ pic.twitter.com/snJ8exexS2— ゆかりん☆真夏のデザフェス8/4-5[D-319] (@ysfeltart11) May 24, 2018
And this hedgehog with a doughnut on its head.
ドーナツ好きなハリネズミちゃん完成❣️帽子にもドーナツ付いてます(^m^)個展か8月のイベントどちらかでお家を探します。#羊毛フェルト #ハリネズミ #needlefelting #hedgehog #ハンドメイド #羊毛フェルトハリネズミ #norino pic.twitter.com/NvLoi0sBxu
— norino 7月28〜29ギャラリー1周年個展 (@soranorino) July 9, 2018
And how about this incredibly real and totally cute dog?
だいたい完成かな~ 動画撮ってみたよ❕ #羊毛フェルト #犬 #コーギー #オーダーメイド pic.twitter.com/5zDXXPoXw4
— miru ・羊毛フェルト (@bebebe5353) May 28, 2018
Miru specializes in creating felt dogs and cats. However, as evidenced by some of the photos above, miru also seems to like making other cute animals. Miru also takes orders, so if you really really want one of these for yourself, you may want to contact her/him via Twitter and find out how much it’ll cost you.
Source: Otakuma
Image: Twitter @bebebe5353