Home Media & Entertainment Japanese Men’s Magazine Releases All Cat Issue Complete With Sexy Nude Kitties (Photos)

Japanese Men’s Magazine Releases All Cat Issue Complete With Sexy Nude Kitties (Photos)

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Filled with some of the hottest nude Japanese cats around.

Shūkan Taishū (literally: Weekly General Public) is an almost 60-year-old Japanese weekly magazine known for its salacious tabloid newspaper-style content and photos of scantily clad girls. However, recently the pages of Shūkan Taishū were overrun by cats. Yes, cats.

Called Shūnyan Taishū (nyan is the Japanese equivalent of meow), this aptly named special issue was released on December 29 and is at its core an all-cat version of Shūkan Taishū. Everything in the magazine, right down to the gravure idols (swimsuit/lingerie models) that typically grace its pages has been given a feline twist.

Cover of Shūnyan Taishū

Selected headlines:

  • Nyandols take it all off
  • Caught on film by nyaparazzi: Criminal cats at the scene of the crime
  • Drinking at a shop with cat hosts
  • Christel Nekogawa’s Nyaws Station (a play on the name of Christel Takigawa, a well-known Japanese newscaster, and neko, the Japanese word for cat)
  • The middle-aged man cat boom is here
  • Amazing cats from around the world
  • The dark side of cat businesses
  • Cat goods that will make you more attractive in the office


The sealed sexy kitty photo spread of this issue features two “nyandols” (gravure idol + nyan): Koto, a 4-year-old kitty known for her beautiful legs and behind, and Ramu, an 11-year-old beauty who could easily pass for half her age.

The world’s first cat fukuro toji

Fukuro toji
(袋とじ) literally means “bag seal.” When used within the context of magazines like Shūkan Taishū the term describes a section of sealed pages that must be torn open in order to see the content inside. Often fukuro toji sections contain pictures that depict sexual content and are inappropriate for underage readers. Fukuro toji is also used as a tactic to get people to purchase the magazine, instead of simply reading it for free at a convenience store or bookstore.

The front page of the fukuro toji section of Shūnyan Taishū, pictured left, states that this section is only for those 22-years of age or older. This appears to be an implication that the content within the section is so intense that not even a 20-year-old (traditionally the age at which an individual is considered to be an adult in Japan) would be able to handle it.

Aside from risque kitty cat pictures, the magazine boasts a wide range of cat-themed sections, including one showcasing cats that resemble beautiful actresses…

Apparently, this cat looks like a famous actress…

…another about kittens that resemble middle-aged men…

Yep, that’s a cat wearing a bald cap

…one about businesses that have cats…

A bath-house famous for its cute cat

A bar with a cat

…essays about famous writers, such as Saisei Murō (1889-1962), and their cats…

Writer & poet Saisei Murō and his cat Gino, famous for his tendency to use the hibachi to warm himself

…and much much more!

Shūnyan Taishū costs 799 yen (7.08 USD). There is no word yet on whether this will become a yearly tradition for Shūkan Taishū. However, if sales are good, it certainly seems likely.

If you’re in the mod for more sexy gravure idol animals, then check out the article below.

Roco, A Dog Sexier Than Any Japanese Gravure Idol (Hot Doggy Photos)

Source: PR Times
Images: PR Times

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