Japan Station What is the Shinsengumi? Examining the Shogun’s Last Samurai Corps w. Romulus Hillsborough | Japan Station 60
Ichimon Japan Do you have any funny or embarrassing Japanese mistake stories? (Part 2) | Ichimon Japan 37
Japan Station Obscenity, Censorship & Erotic Comics in Japan (Patrick W. Galbraith) | Japan Station 59
Ichimon Japan Why did samurai have such weird haircuts? (All About Topknots/Chommage) | Ichimon Japan 34
Ichimon Japan What is the best Japanese name for a bear that isn’t actually a bear? (About Hole Bears, Bag Bears & More) | Ichimon Japan 35
Ichimon Japan What annoys you about living in Japan? (Part 2: Chinese Names, Short Sleeves, Bears, & More) | Ichimon Japan 34
Media & Entertainment Japanese YouTuber Recreates the Painful Reality of Super Mario Bros. in Real Life Version of the Classic Nintendo Game [Video]
Japan Station The Woman Behind the Voice of the Shinkansen: A Chat w. Voice Actor & Singer Donna Burke | Japan Station 56
Ichimon Japan What annoys you about living in Japan? (Part 1: Bookstores, Ice Cream Floats, Repetitive Language, & More) | Ichimon Japan 33
Ichimon Japan Who got it more wrong: MatPat or Tony? (Revisiting the Curse of Colonel Sanders) | Ichimon Japan 32