Home Podcasts Japan Station The ORIGINS of “NEKO!” Digging into the ETYMOLOGY of the Japanese Word for “CAT” | Japan Station 150

The ORIGINS of “NEKO!” Digging into the ETYMOLOGY of the Japanese Word for “CAT” | Japan Station 150

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On this episode of Japan Station, I examine the mysterious origins of the Japanese word for cat: neko. Trust me, there’s a whole lot more to say about the topic than you might think!

👉Topics Discussed

  • The etymology of neko/cat
  • Various theories that try to explain the origins of the Japanese word for cat
  • Whether the Japanese word for cat traces its origins back to Chine/Chinese
  • When cats first arrived in Japan
  • Where the word neko (ねこ, 猫) came from
  • What the onomatopoeia for a cat meowing was in The Tale of Genji
  • About the song Neko Funjatta and what it is called in other countries/languages
  • And more

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Here’s the video of Neko Funjatta by Ichigoclub15.

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