Tonari no To-to-ro, To-to-ro
A Japanese bird who apparently is a big fan of the classic Studio Ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro), is getting quite a bit of attention online.
Tweeted out on September 29 by Twitter user @J_grandiflorum the video below shows an interesting little cockatiel named Emi-tan doing something last week during a broadcast of the Studio Ghibli film Laputa: Castle in the Sky that seems to have delighted Japanese Twitter users, so much so, that this video has managed to get almost 100,000 likes in well under a week.
So what did Emi-tan do? Well, as you can see and hear for yourself below, she just can’t stop singing the oh so catchy theme to My Neighbor Totoro even though Laputa, a totally different Studio Ghibli film with a totally different theme song is the one playing. Is this because Emi-tan prefers Totoro over Laputa? Or is it simply that Emi-tan is a bird that has no concept of what Studio Ghibli or films in general are? That’s for you to decide, for now just watch the video.
エミたん?さっきから何度も言ってるけどね、それトトロじゃないから … pic.twitter.com/H7e8DHaQwm
— Jasmine fragrance (@J_grandiflorum) September 29, 2017
The tweet above reads:
Emi-tan I’ve already told you a bunch of times, that’s not Totoro…
If you’d like to see Emi-tan sing a bit more of the Totoro theme, then check out the video below, in which Emi-tan and her(his?) owner do a little Totoro duet.
カラオケ教室プライベートレッスンなう。エミさん、そろそろトトロを完全マスターしませんか … ? pic.twitter.com/h3mtYXB3Us
— Jasmine fragrance (@J_grandiflorum) August 28, 2017
Source: IT Media
Image: Japankyo