All about the Japanese idol group Denpagumi.inc.
With so many idol groups it can be quite difficult to actually get noticed and catch people’s interest. Because of this groups tend to adopt all kinds of interesting and sometimes strange backstories and gimmicks. In the case of the idol group Denpagumi.inc (でんぱ組.inc) they have chosen to market themselves as the otaku idol group.
Although the word “otaku” was originally used as a polite way of referring to someone’s house, nowadays, it
is more often than not used to refer to someone that is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about anime, manga and/or video games. This more modern use of the word otaku is the one that Denpagumi.inc uses and one look at their music videos makes this abundantly clear. For example, the music video for their 2014 single “Bari 3 kyowakoku” (The Republic of Bari 3) is full of anime inspired elements. Between all the animated sequences, space battles, epic poses and even the title itself, which is the name of a fictional nation, it seems like this could easily be the opening to an a Gundam inspired space anime.
video game-esque sound. Denpagumi.inc very much embraces this musical style, so much so that their catchphrase for a time was “Sending out energy into the world via denpa song.”
Japan. Much like the music video for “Bari 3 kyowakoku” this one also borrows heavily from the world of anime and manga.
videos it is still an intense non-stop experience that is very much in line with much of their previous work.