JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is known for its crazy sound effects so I decided to do a video showcasing of the most infamous sound effects Hirohiko Araki has come up with. I also explore what go go go/do do do mean. Check out the video below!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is known for its crazy sound effects so I decided to do a video showcasing of the most infamous sound effects Hirohiko Araki has come up with. I also explore what go go go/do do do mean. Check out the video below!
On this episode of Japan Station, we’re talking about Japanese words we learned by watching anime. 👉Topics Discussed How you can use anime, manga and video games to learn Japanese And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! Apple Podcasts: Spotify: 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi Support on Patreon Support on Ko-fi 👉Links, Videos, Etc. None 👉Follow …
What the hell is a PUFF PUFF? Perhaps you’ve come across it while playing one of the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior games. Or maybe you saw it in the Dragon Ball manga. Or perhaps it popped up in a conversation. Whatever the case, “puff puff” (pafupafu) is a quirky Japanese onomatopoeia that started as a silly gag in the original Dragon Ball manga (first seen in …
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the manga creator Akira Toriyama and his impact on the world and my life. Topics Discussed About the passing of manga creator Akira Toriyama About the impact and influence of Akira Toriyama on the US and the world About the impact of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z About the popularity of the Dragon Ball franchise around …