Home Society & Culture New Panty Pillowcases Allow You To Sleep On Giant Panties (Video)

New Panty Pillowcases Allow You To Sleep On Giant Panties (Video)

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Have the sexiest pillows ever.

Panty lovers rejoice! The Japanese novelty store Village Vanguard is now selling panty pillowcases!

These giant white and pink panties (they even have a cute ribbon!) are specifically for all you panty lovers that can’t spend a moment away from your beloved women’s undergarment. Not even while you’re asleep.

These pillow panties measure 55 cm by 32 cm and of course they can stretch so they can fit most average sized pillows.  They cost 2376 JPY (around 20 USD) a pair, which may seem a little expensive but when you consider that one of these pillow covers uses enough fabric to make at least two pairs of panties intended for human use, it’s actually not such a bad price.

According to the product description for these oversized panties, when you place your head on the panties your neck lies on top of the crotch, so the more you use it the more of a “character” it develops. In other words, the more you use it, the dirtier it’ll get and thus start to resemble a used (unwashed?) pair of panties. And isn’t that exactly what we all want to sleep on? Giant dirty pairs of used panties?

Aside from simply sleeping on your big sexy panties, the promotional video for this product, also points out that you can hug your panty pllows, you can peek under the panties, you can drape these panties over your face like a towel, or you can sleep surrounded by panties!

Check out the ridiculous video below.

Let’s just hope these big panties don’t become the target of Japanese panty thieves…

If you’d like to buy yourself a pair of these panties, then check out the Village Vanguard website Village here.

Source: Otakomu
Featured image: Village Vanguard

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