Home Society & Culture Drunk Man Sprayed Driver With Fire Extinguisher And Stole His Taxi, Tokyo Police Say (Video)

Drunk Man Sprayed Driver With Fire Extinguisher And Stole His Taxi, Tokyo Police Say (Video)

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That’s not how you’re supposed to use a fire extinghisher…

A 31-year-old man in Tokyo’s Arakawa Ward was arrested on Saturday (Jul. 1) after he allegedly used a fire extinguisher to steal a taxi.

According to police, on July 1 at around 5 p.m., Giichi Moriya, who told police he was a company worker, boarded a taxi in Tokyo’s Arakawa Ward. Once in the taxi, Moriya got into a dispute with the 22-year-old male driver and set off a fire extinguisher he had brought with him into the vehicle. He then commanded the driver to get out of the taxi. The driver complied and Moriya proceeded to get into the driver’s seat of the taxi and began to drive away with the taxi driver still clinging to the car in an effort to stop him. Shortly thereafter, Moriya ran the vehicle into the divider in the middle of the road, got out of the car and attempted to run away. However, he was stopped and restrained by individuals who were in the area until police arrived on the scene.

Moriya was arrested on charges of theft. Moriya is reportedly claiming not to remember the incident at all, telling police that he had been drinking at a barbecue earlier that day.

Although reports revealed that the driver suffered only minor injuries, there is still no word on the status of the fire extinguisher.

If you’d like to see a CG recreation of this story, check out the TomoNews Japan video below.

Source: Fuji News Network, Mainichi Shinbun, TomoNews Japan
Image: 車内で消火器噴射、タクシー奪った男逮捕 (TomoNews Japan)

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