Home Uncategorized Fukuoka Man Arrested After Stabbing Himself To Get Day Off Work (2nd Time Someone Does This In 3 Days)

Fukuoka Man Arrested After Stabbing Himself To Get Day Off Work (2nd Time Someone Does This In 3 Days)

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Image source: Pixabay

Less than three days after a very similar incident in Aichi Prefecture, which was reported on by Japankyo (read more), a man in Fukuoka, Japan, was arrested after he allegedly tried to get a day off work by stabbing himself and telling police that he had been attacked.

According to police, at about 6:50 a.m. on February 25, police in the Fukuoka city of Kurume received an emergency call from someone at a baked goods manufacturing company. The caller reportedly told police “A co-worker was stabbed by an unknown man near our company.”

When police arrived on the scene, they found a 26-year-old male employee at the baked goods company with a deep knife would on his right elbow. He was taken to the hospital to receive treatment for his wound.

As explanation for what had happened the man reportedly told police “Immediately after I got out of the car in the parking lot, someone tried to steal my backpack, and when I tried to resist, I got stabbed by an object with a blade.”

Although police initially thought the incident could be a case of a robbery that resulted in bodily injury, the direction of their investigation began to change after they noticed some unusual things about the man, such as the fact that he was in possession of a knife. Upon further questioning the man admitted that he had been the one to stab himself. He was quoted by police as saying “I didn’t want to go to work so I stabbed myself.”

Police arrested the man for filing a false police report, which is a violation of the Minor Offenses Act.

No details have been released about exactly why the suspect did not want to go to work. However, it seems highly likely that this man’s actions were due to stress caused by overwork, a problem which is, unfortunately, very common in Japan.

If you would like to read about another very similar incident, involving an Aichi man that stabbed himself in a subway bathroom in order to avoid work on February 22, then click here.

Source: Sankei News

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