Don’t you hate it when your mom goes into your room without your permission,
finds your secret stash of over 400 pilfered panties, and then turns
them over to police?
On January 13th police in the city of Fukuoka arrested a 26-year old male company employee for allegedly stealing four pairs of women’s underwear from a coin laundromat located in the Haruyoshi area of the city’s Chuo Ward. According to police, the suspect stole the four pairs of underwear (roughly worth 20,000 yen/175 U.S. dollars) from a dryer in the Fukuoka laundromat at about 1:30 a.m. on December 13th.
Starting in October of last year patrons of the laundromat began complaining that their underwear was going missing. This rash of underwear thefts caused police to look into the matter and after reviewing security camera recordings they were able to find footage of the perpetrator stealing the underwear on the early morning of December 13th.
On January 2nd police were staking out the laundromat when they spotted a man who resembled the perpetrator that they had seen in the security camera footage. After being questioned by police, the 26-year old man admitted his involvement in the underwear theft and voluntarily turned over a few dozen pairs of underwear that he had at his residence.
The next day, the suspect’s mother went to police and turned over roughly 400 pairs of women’s underwear that she had found in her son’s room. She told police “They were in my son’s room.” Among those roughly 400 pairs of women’s underwear police were able to find the four pairs that were stolen on December 13th.
After his arrest last week the suspect admitted to stealing the underwear. According to police, the suspect’s reason for stealing the underwear was “I like women’s underwear.”
Other laundromats in the area have also reported similar thefts. Police are looking into whether the over 400 pairs of underwear they are currently in possession of are related to these other incidents.
Source: Asahi Shinbun Digital