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Nose Biting British Man Arrested in Saitama

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On November 13th, a drunk British man allegedly bit
another man’s nose in a restaurant located in Niiza City, Saitama Prefecture. According
to authorities, the 50-year old, Steven David Watson, was in a popular “family
restaurant” (Saizeriya), when he used an archery bow that he had in his possession
to shoot an arrow at an unoccupied sofa seat. It was at this point when the victim’s 24-year old brother-in-law called the police. This then led to an altercation between Watson and the victim’s brother–in-law. The victim, a 33-year old designer, tried to intervene, however, Watson responded by knocking the man down to the floor and biting his nose.

Authorities say that Watson had gone to the restaurant after finishing archery practice and was accompanied by a Japanese female acquaintance in her 40’s. Due in large part to the relatively late hour at which these events transpired (about 11:00PM) there were no other customers in the restaurant aside from Watson, his female companion, the victim and his 2 companions. Although Watson is denying both shooting the arrow and biting the man he was arrested and police are investigating.

Thankfully, Watson did not end up biting the victim’s
nose off. It seems that it was a minor bite and that the victim will fully
recover. However, even if it was just a minor bite the whole thing is certainly
quite bizarre. Unfortunately, none of the articles I read made it clear why Watson decided to shoot the arrow in the first place. The video I included below implies that it was to show off to his female companion. If that is in fact the case then his plan certainly seems to have backfired on him. In any case, for those of you who would like to see a dramatization
of this incident check out this video created by TomoNews Japan. Although the
audio is in Japanese, the video is pretty self-explanatory. Enjoy.
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