Popping, locking and a whole lot more.
This past November 19, 71 teams of “street dancers” gathered in Osaka to participate in Osaka Dance Delight Volume 33, an annual dance competition related to one of the top street dance competitions in the world, Japan Dance Delight.
As usual, the audience at the event was treated to some truly impressive routines and thankfully for everyone that couldn’t make it to Osaka, videos of the top five of these routines have been uploaded to the Dance Delight YouTube channel.
If you’re into street dance, then you’ll definitely want to check out all five of these videos, however, if you’re just in the mood for watching something a very “unique,” then make sure to watch the impressive but quite bizarre routine performed by the 2nd place team, Nous.
From: Hyogo, Osaka, Tokushima, Shiga
4th Place DIZZLEZ
From: Aichi
3rd Place ENcounterENgravers
From: Tokyo, Osaka
2nd Place Nous
From: Kyoto
From: Osaka, Hyogo, Aichi
Source: Dews365
Image: ENcounterENgravers_OSAKA DANCE DELIGHT VOL.33 3rd PLACE_2017.11.19 (Dance Delight tv)
Each of the five videos below are all worth watching, however,