Home Media & Entertainment J YouTuber Turns Into Soccer Ball And Gets People To Kick Him To Show Support For Japanese Soccer Team (Video)

J YouTuber Turns Into Soccer Ball And Gets People To Kick Him To Show Support For Japanese Soccer Team (Video)

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Definitely not a good idea…

The Japanese YouTuber Watanabe Mahoto, who is known for his many ridiculous videos, recently released a video in which he dressed up like a soccer ball and tried to get random people to kick him, all in an effort to show his support for the Japanese national soccer team.

As Mahoto explains in the video, he is doing this bizarre stunt to show his support for the Japanese national soccer team, who on August 31 will be playing a crucial game against the Australian national team. If Japan loses this game, their chances of making it to the 2018 World Cup in Russia become very slim. If they win, then they get to go to the biggest and most prestigious soccer (a.k.a. football) tournament in the world. So understandably a lot of Japanese soccer fans are a bit on edge… but Mahoto’s idea doesn’t seem like it’ll help much.

In the video, Mahoto dresses up like an old black and white soccer ball and sits down on a Tokyo street. Near him Mahoto places a goal and a sign asking people to kick him into the goal. There he waits curled up into a ball for a while. Although several people seem to ignore him, eventually someone actually kicks him. In fact, two people kick him. Does Mahoto wind up in pain, like he often does in his videos? Find out by watching the video below.

Source: Watanabe Mahoto YouTube
Image: サッカーボールになれば美女に蹴ってもらえる説  (Watanabe Mahoto YouTube)

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