Home Media & Entertainment 32 Giant Pikachus Dance To Yodeling To Promote Japanese Tea (Video)

32 Giant Pikachus Dance To Yodeling To Promote Japanese Tea (Video)

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Pikachu and yodeling, a match made in heaven.

The official Japanese Pokemon YouTube channel has released a video of an army of giant Pikachus dancing in unison around a vending machine, all while some catchy yodeling is going on in the background.

Giant dancing Pikachus is of course nothing new. Some of you may remember the incident from a few months ago where a giant Pikachu suddenly started “deflating” during a dance performance in Korea. In contrast to that video though, the PIkachus in this one manage to pull off a delightful performance with no such problems.

In the video you’ll see 32 human sized Pikachus dancing in a wonderfully choreographed number. The video was created to promote a team-up between Pokemon and the Japanese tea company Ito En. As for why exactly the song the Pikachus are dancing to in the video features yodeling, that we may never know but it works pretty well (in my opnion).

Check out this yodel-tastic experience below.

Source: Pokemon YouTube Channel
Image: 【公式】ピカチュウ自販機誕生! 伊藤園×ポケモン  (Pokemon YouTube Channel)

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