Home Media & Entertainment Japanese YouTuber Makes Tiny Versions Of Human Food And Serves It To Pet Hamster (Video)

Japanese YouTuber Makes Tiny Versions Of Human Food And Serves It To Pet Hamster (Video)

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If that popular video from 2014 showing hamsters eating tiny burritos taught us anything it’s that hamsters eating tiny versions of human food is undeniably cute. If you agree with that statement then you’ll be happy to hear that there is someone in Japan that is using the very appropriately named YouTube channel Hamster (ハムスター食堂, hamusutaa shokudou) to regularly release more of these adorable videos.

Although Hamster Cafeteria was begun in 2012, it would not be until 2014 that videos of hamsters eating miniature human food started making their appearance on the channel. The latest of these videos, which was released on July 12, features the Hamster Cafeteria channel operator, who we shall simply refer to as the “chef,” making a type of ice cream float referred to in Japan as a “cream soda” and then feeding this cute creation to a hungry hamster. The result is not only adorable but also pretty funny. Check it out below.

Some other great videos that you’ll find on the Hamster Cafeteria channel include, a tiny sushi one.


A pretty amusing “tea time”one.

A Chinese themed one in which the item on the menu is pork buns and shumai (dumplings).

And that’s just scratching the surface. Katsudon, bento, and even ramen, Hamster Cafeteria has it all. So if you have time to kill or just really like watching people make tiny food and feed it to hamsters, you may want to check out some of the other videos on this channel and perhaps even subscribe.

Source: Hamster Cafeteria
Image: ハムスターにクリームソーダ作ってみた♪ (Hamster Cafeteria)

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