Home Media & Entertainment Japanese Comedian Comes Up With “Dangerous” Naked Tablecloth Yanking Trick (Video)

Japanese Comedian Comes Up With “Dangerous” Naked Tablecloth Yanking Trick (Video)

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A relatively unknown Japanese comedian going by the name of UesP (ウエスP,,uesu P) has suddenly started getting a whole lot of attention online thanks to an interesting comedy routine he has come up with, which combines nudity and that classic party trick where you yank a tablecloth out from under a fully set table.

Called the “Dangerous tablecloth yank” this comedy routine is extremely short and very simple. Basically UesP performs a version of the tablecloth trick, except instead of a table under the cloth, he uses his naked body (specifically his crotch). And on top of that cloth, he places a teacup filled with hot tea. Oh, and he does his trick to the tune of “One More Time” by Daft Punk.

Although he had done a similar, but less naked version of this gag before, he debuted this “dangerous” version of his trick when he tweeted out the video below on June 9. In the slightly more than a month since its release this video has managed to get get over 5,000 retweets and likes, which for a mostly unknown comedian isn’t all that bad. Check it out.

Seeing the success of his first video, UesP followed that one up with a second one. In this one he relies on the power of a vacuum cleaner to pull of his little trick. This one did about five times better than his first one, getting over 26,000 retweets and more than 30,000 likes.

Finally, on Sunday UesP released his most popular video yet. In this one he uses an electric fan. To date, this video has already been retweeted almost 40,000 times and liked over 50,000 times.

Despite the success of his videos, whether this bit of internet fame will translate into mainstream fame for UesP remains to be seen. As funny as this little gag is, it doesn’t seem like something that you can build a career out of. But you never know.

On an interesting side note, this whole naked comedian thing has been going on for quite a while. For example, last year, a comedian going by the stage name Tonikaku Akarui Yasumura quickly rose to fame with a ridiculous routine in which he did poses that made it look like he was naked. Unfortunately for him though, he quickly ended up like so many other comedians before him, forgotten within a matter of months. In case you’re interested, here’s an English version of his routine in which he does a selection of “American butt naked poses.”

Also, if you’d like to read a little more about yet another ‘naked Japanese comedian’ and the impressive naked dance routine he inspired, you’re going to want to check out the articles below.

Breakdancers Use Trays To Pull Off Impressive Naked Dance Routine (Video)
Breakdancers Get Naked (Again) And Dance To Theme Of Lupin The Third (Video)

Source: Rocketnews24 (Japanese)
Image: UesP Twitter

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