If you’re reading this, then you probably come to the website fairly regularly, so I thank you for that. And if you happen to be a first timer, I thank you too. I’m just writing this to let everyone know that there will be less articles than usual during the month of June. I’ll be traveling and trying to obtain new content for the website so I won’t be able to write as much as I normally do but there are articles already scheduled to go up automatically so make sure to come back for those. Things will be back to normal by June 30.
Also, in July the website will likely be getting a complete overhaul. This should make site navigation much easier and result in a much better design.
That’s pretty much it for now. Again, thank you. Over thr past few months Japankyo has been growing steadily and at a much faster rate than I ever hoped.
And by the way, for readers in the U.S., next time you shop on Amazon, make sure to use the Amazon link on the right column. of the page. Every time you do, Japankyo gets a small percentage of the purchase. So if you enjoy the content on this page, definitely try that out next time you shop. Thanks!