Home Uncategorized Cute Seal Gets Thank You Letter For Promoting Tourism In Hokkaido (Video)

Cute Seal Gets Thank You Letter For Promoting Tourism In Hokkaido (Video)

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Image source: ANN News

On April 7 the Hokkaido city of Monbetsu in Japan, gave a 29-year-old male seal named Agu an official thank you letter for all of the work he has done to promote tourism in the area.

Agu gained quite a bit of attention both within Japan and internationally after the seal themed water park he calls home, Azarashi Sea Paradise, held an event earlier this year where guests could lie down next to Agu and take pictures with him. During this month-long event Agu lied down with about 80 different people. Furthermore, pictures of Agu embracing a stuffed animal, “as if it was his own child,” became quite popular on social media and managed to get roughly 40,000 likes.

Agu is said to have bowed politely and had a distinguished air to him while receiving the thank you letter, which came with a new collar.

This is the first time that the city has sent a thank you letter to an animel.

If you’d like to see footage of Agu, check out the video below.

Source: ANN News, Hokkaido Shinbun

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