Home Podcasts The Weak Yen & Rural Japan: Why They Matter | Japan Station 132

The Weak Yen & Rural Japan: Why They Matter | Japan Station 132

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On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about the importance of revitalizing rural Japan, the negative impact of the weak yen on Japan, and more with Dr. Robert D. Eldridge.

👉Topics Discussed

  • What is chihō sōsei (地方創生)?
  • About the importance of chihō sōsei
  • Why it is important to preserve and revitalize rural areas of Japan
  • About the weak yen (enyasu, 円安)
  • How the weak Japanese yen negatively impacts Japan
  • About inflation and stagflation in Japan
  • About the relationship between low wages, the weak Japanese yen and brain drain in Japan
  • Job prospects for young people in Japan
  • About Niyodogawa
  • About Shikoku and efforts being made to revitalize areas of Niyodogawa, Ehime
  • About Muka Brewing Company
  • And more!

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