Home Media & Entertainment Akihabara Idol Group Dempagumi.inc Creates Music Video in 8 Days for all the Coronavirus Hikikomori Around the World [Video]

Akihabara Idol Group Dempagumi.inc Creates Music Video in 8 Days for all the Coronavirus Hikikomori Around the World [Video]

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Dempagumi.inc won’t let the coronavirus pandemic stop them!

On April 15, the idol group Dempagumi.inc released a brand new music video inspired directly by the COVID-19 pandemic and produced completely remotely.

The new music video is for a song titled “Nanto! Sekai Kōinin Hikikomori (なんと!世界公認 引きこもり), which in English could be translated to something along the lines of “The world has officially recognized hikikomori!”

As you may be aware, hikikomori is the Japanese word used to refer to individuals who due to factors such as severe social anxiety never or almost never leave their place of residence. Largely the term carries a negative connotation and for the average person in Japan its use immediately brings to mind socially awkward fans of anime and video games who seldom, if ever leave their rooms. However, being that Dempagumi.inc’s members are supposedly all “otaku” (passionate fans of anime, manga, video games, etc.), it’s clear that the group is not using the term “hikikomori” in a negative way. Instead, it’s a tongue-in-cheek way to refer to the fact that people around the world are now staying home in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus and save lines.

The idea for this video and song came from an interaction on on Twitter that Dempagumi.inc’s producer had with the group’s director. After the idea of using the power of “telework” (working form home) to produce a song and music video was brought up, it apparently took just eight days to create the music video released on Wednesday.

All those involved, from the members of Dempagumi.inc to the composer and video production team, worked from home. Dempagumi.inc even reached out to their fans via Twitter to ask them for vocals. These vocals can be heard in the grand chorus toward the end of the song.

In typical Dempagumi.inc fashion the song is a high-energy catchy tune that is sure to please its fans.

Check out the music video below.

If this doesn’t convicne companies in Japan that working from home is a totally valid way to do business, then who knows what will..

Source: Barks Japan Music Network
Image: でんぱ組.inc テレワークMV「なんと!世界公認 引きこもり!」 (Dempagumi.inc Official YouTube Channel)

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