Home Uncategorized The Most Persistent NHK Fee Collector In The World (Video)

The Most Persistent NHK Fee Collector In The World (Video)

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Oh no, it’s the NHK guy!

According to Japanese law, if you have a television in your home, you have to pay a monthly fee of 1,260 JPY to the country’s national broadcaster NHK. This ‘reception fee’ is the primary source of funding for NHK and as such the broadcaster is very serious about collecting it, particularly from those who avoid paying the fee due to the law not stipulating any punishments for those who fail to pay it.

In order to collect the fee the broadcaster sends out armies of (almost always) men, to go door to door and get people to pay up. Because of this, NHK fee collectors have developed a reputation of being some of the most pushy people around and a new video put out by the popular Japanese YouTube channel Hakumain, captures this sentiment perfectly.

Shot in first person and a rather Birdman-esque style, the amusing video below shows an NHK fee collector that not even the most expert fee dodger would be able to avoid. No Japanese necessary. Enjoy.

Source: Hakumain
Image: NHK集金人が異常にしつこかったので撃退してみた

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