Home Uncategorized This Pose Striking Sea Otter From Mie Is Driving People Crazy On Twitter (Video)

This Pose Striking Sea Otter From Mie Is Driving People Crazy On Twitter (Video)

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A video featuring a sea otter striking some adorable poses seems to have become the latest animal video that Japanese Twitter users are going crazy for.

The video, which was tweeted out on May 20, stars Mei, a talented 13-year-old female sea otter living in Mie Prefecture’s Toba Aquarium. In the video Mei shows off her ability to do three very cute poses, which according to her trainer, she’s been able to perform since early May and was able to learn after only about 10 days over the course of a month.

See what Mei does with those little ‘hands’ of hers in the video below.


In only a little more than a week this video has managed to get over 27,000 retweets and 36,000 likes. Additionally, Japanese Twitter users have been leaving comments expressing their love of this video, such as “This video is so cute that when I saw it, I let out a strange noise from my mouth!” and “No matter how many times I watch it, it still drives me crazy.”

In response to all the buzz that Mei’s video has generated, Toba Aquarium put out a comment in which they express their happiness that so many people have watched the video and also tell people that they should come to the aquarium because seeing Mei do her pose routine in person is even cuter.

Although it depends on her mood, Mei generally shows off her poses during her three scheduled feeding times, so if you visit Toda Aquarium, you may want to stop by the sea otter enclosure at these times.

Source: withnews

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