Home Media & Entertainment This 61 Year Old Woman Is Japan’s Next Action Hero

This 61 Year Old Woman Is Japan’s Next Action Hero

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Don’t get in between this lady and her noodles.

A video intended to raise awareness of the city of Tome in Miyagi Prefecture is getting a lot of attention for featuring some intense action scenes and a 61-year old woman that doesn’t like it when you get between her and her food.

The roughly 4-minute action packed video, which was released on November 28, is called Go! Hatto Tome is Unparalleled (Go! Hatto 登米無双, Go! Hatto Tome Musou) and features no spoken dialogue in order to appeal to as wide an audience as possible.

No more hatto
 The video begins with a look at the beautiful city of Tome. However, things take a turn for the worse when a mysterious group of men in suits appear and bans the city’s famous and beloved dish, hatto.

Gotta have that hatto
Hatto, which is a type of soup consisting of thinly stretched well kneaded wheat flour, red bean paste soy beans and various other ingredients, is said to have been so delicious that a local feudal lord once declared it to be “gohatto” (forbidden) for fear that the wheat based dish would cause farmers’ rice production to suffer. This pun is also the origin of the title  of the video (Go! Hatto) and its entire plot.

Fight for hatto
With the future of the city’s famous dish in peril the residents of the city of Tome band together to fight against these mysterious men. However, one woman in particular, a grandma with some serious skills and no apprehensions about using them, steps up and makes sure these hatto hating men get just what they deserve. But what is this woman’s name? Her name just happens to also be Tome. And yes, that’s another pun.
Clearly, the people of Tome love their city. It’s also clear that they worked hard to put together this very enjoyable and memorable little PR video. Everything from the action to the direction really helps give this video a cinematic feel that you rarely see in these kind of local promotional videos. The fact that 9 different locations in Tome and 50 Tome residents, including the mayor and deputy mayor, appear in the video, further shows how deeply the people of Tome care for their city. So why not swing by Tome and get yourself a bowl of hatto next time you’re in the area?

A longer (7:03) “director’s cut” version was released on the 12th and can be watched here.

A 6:47 making of video (no subtitles) can be found here.

Source: JAPANstyle


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