Home Uncategorized J-YouTuber Uses Giant Potato Cannon To Destroy Rotten Watermelon… Indoors… Doesn’t Go Well (Video)

J-YouTuber Uses Giant Potato Cannon To Destroy Rotten Watermelon… Indoors… Doesn’t Go Well (Video)

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If you’ve ever wondered why you shouldn’t shoot a potato cannon indoors, the Japanese YouTuber SushiRamen Riku has a video for you.

Released in February, the video below shows Riku using a massive combustion type potato cannon to shoot a potato at a rotten watermelon. However, perhaps the most interesting (perplexing?) part of this video is that Riku does this inside his house; a decision which turns out to have some ‘destructive’ and unpleasant smelling (remember, the watermelon is rotten) consequences.

The video begins with Riku talking a little bit about the cannon he uses in the video, saying it is “three times bigger than one of Ultraman’s boogers.” He then refers back to a previous video he made, in which he showed off the destructive power of this impressive spud gun. And finally he announces that he wants to use his powerful cannon to blow up a rotten watermelon that he had completely forgotten he had. After loading up the potato and putting in the propellant Riku gives it a shot.

See what happen in the video below. And make sure to watch until the end to see the full consequences of his choice to do this inside his house.

Source: Sushi Ramen Riku
Image: 巨大ポテトキャノンでスイカを撃ったら家壊れた【衝撃映像】

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