Home Media & Entertainment Japanese DJ Uses Female Pubic Hair To Make Dance Music (Video)

Japanese DJ Uses Female Pubic Hair To Make Dance Music (Video)

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The DJ, music producer and member of the Japanese hip hop group m-flo, ☆ Taku Takahashi has just released a song made using female pubic hair.

Called “In Motion,” this new dance song was created using the pubic hairs of 15 women who participated in the “Pubic Hair Grooving” project, a promotional stunt sponsored by a Japanese hair removal website called Datsumou Recipe.

The pubic hairs used to create “In Motion” were collected from the 15 female participants and sorted by both their length and degree of curl in order to create the different waveforms used in this groovy new song.

The title of this song is a pun inspired by the Japanese word for pubic hair inmo (陰毛) and the English phrase “in motion.” ☆ Taku Takahashi says that he chose this title because his impression of pubic hairs is that they move around a lot.

As for the song, it’s actually not bad. Nothing is particularly ‘pubey’ about it. It’s just a fairly typical electronic dance song that would likely not be particularly notable if it wasn’t for the peculiar way it was made.

Check out the world’s first song created using pubic hairs in the video below. The video also features some interview clips with DJ ☆ Taku Takahashi in which he talks a little bit about pubic hair and the process of making this revolutionary song.

The official website for this bizarre promotional campaign can be found here.

Source: Netlab
Images: PUBIC HAIR GROOVING – IN MOTION by ☆Taku Takahashi|アンダーヘアで音楽を作る

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